Conductive Proto-Pasta for stylus-like objects
Slicer: Prusa - PrusaSlicer
Printer: Prusa - i3 MK3
Filament: Electrically Conductive Composite PLA - PLA by Proto Pasta
May 19 2020
Available in 1.75 & 2.85 (3) mm diameters. 125g are loose coils, 500g is on a 8" diameter spool, 2kg is on a 12" diameter spool. Prints with standard PLA settings (or hotter) - no heated bed or special nozzle required Usable on most PLA-compatible printers, such as Makerbot, FlashForge, Dremel, Ultimaker, Printrbot, and more! Great for simple circuitry and interactive projects Volume resistivity of molded resin (not 3D Printed): 15 ohm-cm Volume resistivity of 3D printed parts along layers (x/y): 30 ohm-cm Volume resistivity of 3D printed parts against layers (z): 115 ohm-cm Resistance of a 10cm length of 1.75mm filament: 2-3kohm Resistance of a 10cm length of 2.85mm filament: 800-1200ohm